The issue of labour exploitation caught people’s attention with the rising of industrialization. The industrialists started to exploits the labour class and deprived them from their rights. At that time, socialism was made appeal to working people and some people had their ideology of working class control over the production and distribution of all goods and services. The capitalists controlled industries to make more profits with their political agenda which created a class of anarchists those created socialists labour unions.
A greater social revolution was growing from that anarchism for a drastic change in the economic composition of capitalism. Thus, to protest the injustice, the labourers came forward and raise their voice. After a lot of struggle, they succeed and a special day is dedicated to appreciate and recognize the hard work and achievements of the labour class. Labour rights are a bunch of legal rights where the workers have a democratic voice in taking decisions and policy making.
The International Labour Day was declared after the incidents that took place in the streets of Chicago in 1886. At that time, the world was tumultuous because of the demands of the working class. Labour movement was a regular issue which demanded work accommodations like eight-hour workdays and unions. Every year more than 80 countries celebrated 1st May as national holiday for workers day and in many countries celebrated it unofficially. Our existent condition cannot be taken for granted. The rights and dignities we are enjoying today, people fought for these for a long time.
Like elsewhere in the world, this year Bangladesh is also observing the significant May Day. With great Dignity and honour our governments, as well as different labour-oriented organizations, are celebrating the day. To ensure proper welfare and justice toward the labours, our government has formulated Bangladesh Labour Law 2006, (Amendment in 2013). Bangladesh has also ratified the ILO Convention in 1972, and with the assistance of ILO our government is taking necessary steps to achieving Bangladesh’s decent work objectives.
International Labour Organization has fostered and aimed at promoting opportunities for women and men to gain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, dignity, and security since 1919. Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation are the core labour standards of ILO to promote right to work and respect the labours.
Article 14 of The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh states that “It should be a fundamental responsibility of the state to emancipate the toiling masses- the peasants and workers- and backward section of the people from all forms of exploitation”. It is not only the moral obligation of a state but also our (People’s) responsibility to abide by the constitution and respect its noble ideals to protect the sovereignty, integrity, unity and inspired our national struggle for freedom. May Day reminds us that the fundamental responsibility of the state is to prevent injustice and all forms of exploitation.
Workers of Bangladesh, in many industries, have to face dangerous working conditions and are paid poor wages. Although recently the minimum wages have increased, it fails to meet most basic living cost of a worker. Another growing issue is the child labour which is still a concern of our country. Our law said that no child, who has not reached fourteen years of age, shall be required or allowed to work in any factory. We have rules and regulations regarding child labour issues but again because of proper implementation we failed to prevent it.
In addition, with the blast of population our labour migration is increasing day by day. As a global citizen, Migrant workers’ have various policies and legislation to protect and uphold migrant worker’s rights, safety, and security in our country. Our migrant workers are playing a major pillar in our economy, for that reason our government needs more concentration on this issue.
We have the laws but the mechanisms are very poor to protect the labours’ rights. And the main reason behind this is ignorance of employer as well as workers and unawareness of government. To remove the lack of enforcement of the laws proper interpretation and implementation of labour rights is necessary.
May Day was a day of protests and riots which compelled the government of different countries to make different laws and at the same time by the grace of that day workers of now enjoying different privileges. In this auspicious day, we desire better relation between employees and employers, a standard minimum wages, compensation for injuries to workers during working hours, settlement of industrial disputes, health safety, welfare and better working environment of the working-class people.
The labourer contributes a huge to our society. So ensuring their protection and welfare is our responsibility. That’s why the right to peaceful assembly and association in the workplace is very much important. The mutual interdependencies, sense of well-being, and happiness of each individual can introduce a better society with a better environment. We all know that unity is strength and if employer and employee work together the society will be more benefited.
This article was also published in Daily Observer Op-Ed on 01 May 2019.